Well now that we have covered how we found out i was pregnant let's talk all things first trimester.
Wow wow wow was that was a rough three months that is for sure, when they say the first trimester is the hardest they are not lying. I was basically bed ridden between the sickness, the fatigue and also struggling with my restless leg syndrome oh and add in at the time i was working 12 hour days as well. Yeah as you can imagine i was a delight to be around those first 12 weeks.
I was just so ill all the time to the point i actually had to stop working until i was past the 12 week mark as i honestly wasn’t fit enough to do anything. I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (extreme morning sickness) pretty quickly as i was just not able to keep anything down not even water and i was being sick every 15-30 minutes some days, bloody glamorous eh. Now when i wasn’t face down in the toilet during the day i was sleeping and sleeping oh and did i mention sleeping.
I was beyond exhausted between normal first trimester fatigue and not sleeping during the night as i have RLS (restless leg syndrome) so that was keeping me up ALL night. Just thought i would also mention that i have had the RLS for 9 years now and was on tablets to help with this before falling pregnant but obviously im not able to take these while pregnant so that has also been fun NOT. Anyway back to what i was saying, As you can imagine any one of the normal first trimester symptoms can be hard on a woman never mind adding in all the extra’s as well that i was trying to deal with, i did not enjoy my first trimester at all. Don’t get me wrong though i was and still so over the moon to be pregnant even more so after the miscarriage but that does not take away from the fact it was HARD and there was also next to no help and support from the doctors as well as they just kept saying “we can’t do anything, you need to just deal with it” and my all time favourite "it can’t be that bad" YES!!! That is correct i was told this by a doctor a MALE one so he clearly has no clue as to how bad it can be, i just about hit the roof with that one likes.
Enough moaning now on to the happy side of the first trimester as we did have a few. We were so excited when we found out that we told a few people that night as we really couldn’t keep it a secret for the 12 weeks. We told my mum, step dad and brother as well as Alan’s parents and my dad and step mum, my god where they all so excited, there was definitely more tears. Everyone was just so happy and excited for us and it was so nice to see everyone’s reaction the same day we found out. But now came the tricky part hiding it from the rest of world which was rather hard when i was so dam ill. There was a lot of big jumpers, oversized tops and me not going anywhere (thank god for W.F.H). We actually went for an early scan at around 7 weeks as i just could not settle after the miscarriage and it was just magical getting to see our little bean growing nicely in there and knowing they were ok and there because i still did not fully believe i was pregnant until we seen them on that screen but once we did that shit got real FAST.
I could
go on and on all day about my rollercoaster first trimester but that my lovelies was my story. It was
a bumpy one to say the least but it’s ours and i am just so happy to have made
it through it (just). More to follow on my second and third trimester but until
then i hope you liked this and as always if you did make sure to click that
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friends as well and let’s make this little family even bigger and better.
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