Hospital Bag Check-List

The hospital bag is now officially packed, and we are ready for baby boy to arrive.  I wanted to sit down and share what I have packed for baby no.2. This includes all my hospital bag must-haves and things that I wish I had packed with Cody.

F O R   M U M   T O   W E A R: 
  • A nighty- Now this is going to be a personal choice depending on what you are more comfortable wearing during labour/delivery. You can absolutely choose to wear one of the hospital gowns to give birth in and save your own clothes for after as well delivery is messy, personally I have bought a cheap one that I’m not bothered about to deliver in and have a second outfit for after.
  • Pyjamas These are going to again totally depend on how long you are actually going to be in the hospital for after delivery, if you are going to having an overnight stay then pyjamas are an essential so your nice and comfortable after you’ve had a shower but if you are getting out the same day then obviously no point in having them. As we know though you don’t know these things until the time, so personally I would take some just in case.
  • Flip flops/sliders- For going in your shower after baby is born.
  • Slippers
  • Dressing gown- I have gotten a cheap one from eBay that I don’t mind not using again.
  • Going home outfit- At some point your going to be leaving the hospital with your new little bundle of joy so you’ll be needing something to wear home. Keep in mind when packing this outfit that you’ve just given birth so you are going to be sore and wanting loose comfortable clothes for going home in. I have packed a set of maternity leggings as I know these are comfortable,  will still hold my stomach and won’t be too tight especially if you’ve had a C-section.  Along with a big oversized T-shirt and jumper just again so I don’t have anything too tight that will cling to me.
  • Change of underwear- Make sure with this one that you are not packing your favourite set as I’ve said before giving birth is messy and that doesn’t go away straight away, make sure your packing a set you don’t care about getting ruined and that the pants are BIG (comfort ladies comfort). You’ll also need some kind of soft bra this can either be a nursing bra for our breastfeeding mummies or just a non wired bra as you WILL be sore and the last thing you need is wires digging into you. 

      T O I L E T E R I E S  A N D  P E R S O N A L  C A R E:  
      • Sanitary pads-  Yes the hospital will give you some sanitary pads once you have given birth but they things are MASSIVE and I mean massive (go ahead and google them you'll be shocked) they are not comfortable anyway so highly recommend picking yourself up a pack and just taking your own, trust me you will thank me later once you see the size of the hospital ones. 
      • Nipple cream- Not everyone will need to take this with them as you don't need it if you plan on bottle feeding but the breastfeeding mamma's will need this. 
      • Chapstick/lip balm-  The hospital air is dry as hell and if you have been using gas and air as pain relief your lips will be drier than the Sahara Desert, so make sure you take in some form of lip moisturizer in with you. 
      • Breast pads- Even if you are bottle feeding baby, your milk will start to come in once baby is born and there is a high chance of leaking so best pack a few just incase. 
      • Other basic toiletries-  Toothbrush & toothpaste, deodorant, hair brush, shower gel, shampoo & conditioner and dry shampoo. 
      • Make-up bag- I fully understand for some new mums putting some make-up on is the LAST thing on their mind however for me personally I like to have something on even if it's just mascara and concealer especially at the fact you just know your going to be getting your picture taken. 

                    F O R  T H E  R O O M
                    • Extra long charger or power bank-The plugs in the hospital are not always right next to the bed so best to have a extra long charger or even a full charged power bank in with you for your phone or any other devices you plan on taking. 
                    • iPad- You could be in there for a while so having something to play music on or even to watch Netflix on to keep you calm and even take your mind off the pain is always a good idea. 
                    • Air pods/headphones
                    • Snacks- Giving birth is a very tiring thing to do and can take a while so you want to make sure you pack some snacks to keep your energy up. Slow release carbs (cereal bars) and electrolyte type juice (lucozade) are going to be your best options and they will keep your energy up and you will not have that big crash from a sugar rush.  

                    F O R  D A D

                    • Change of clothes-  If you have been in there a while dad is probably going to need a fresh set of clothes as well just to stop them feeling yuk after the hours spent in a hospital. 
                    • Cash/bank cards- Not all hospitals have free parking so best to have some cash on dad just incase you need to pay to park. Plus always handy to have some kind of cash or card with you incase you need anything that way dad can run down to the shop and get it.

                    F O R  B A B Y
                    Now you wont really need a massive amount for baby as you know what they don't need that much in those first couple of hours, I wish I had been told this when i was having Cody as I packed enough stuff for a 7 day holiday and didn't use half of it so it got a nice little to the hospital and back. But here is what I am packing
                    • Nappy's
                    • Vests x 3
                    • Baby grows x 3 
                    • Scratch mits
                    • Blanket/Swaddle 
                    • Baby wipes
                    • Nappy rash cream
                    • Dummy 
                    • Hats x 2
                    •  Muslins x 2

                      Coming home outfit- Something nice and easy to get on baby so a sleep suit is perfect. As well as a snow suit to keep them warm as they are used to your body keeping them warm for the last 9 months. 

                      Car seat- This might seen like a pretty obvious one but you never know so best to have it set up in the car a few weeks before baby is due that way you know for a fact your not going to leave it at home in the rush to get to hospital. 

                        O T H E R:  

                        Maternity notes- They will ask for these as soon as you walk into the ward so make sure after your last midwife appointment before baby's due date that way they are packed or at least sat with your bags. 

                        Well I hope this list helps ladies, it is crazy the amount of things you need to take with you just to bring a tiny human into the world. If you do forget anything on the list don't stress you have enough to be worried about and that's where dad and family can come in handy just to give them a little call and ask them to pick something up. So you just worry about getting that baby here mamma. 
