Second Trimester


Let’s talk all things second trimester! I just want to start today’s blog by saying that obviously everyone’s experience throughout pregnancy is completely different and what happened to me may not happen to you and vice versa so let’s just keep that in mind. 

Anyway time to get into it, for most people they say the second trimester is the easiest as some of your symptoms like morning sickness and the fatigue (to name a few) tend to easy off a bit at this point and for the most part that was the case for me as well. I was a little less tired and had a bit more energy but I was still struggling MASSIVELY with the restless legs syndrome and by this point I had been fighting with the doctors for 3 months to help me as I just couldn’t go on any longer in the pain I was in and either getting about 1-2 hours sleep a night or on some occasions not sleeping at all for anything from 24-48 hour solid, those days where 100% the hardest as I couldn’t function at all and obviously I still had an 8 year old and a house to run. 

Eventually after 3 months of being on the phone every other day begging (yes begging in TEARS) to the doctors I was able to get my midwife involved and she was an absolute angel and basically told your doctors they had been neglecting me and potentially harming the baby more as I wasn’t fit enough to have a healthy pregnancy because of it all and wouldn’t you know they FINALLY listened and got me onto a pregnancy safe painkiller! It was like night and day once I started them I was starting to feel like myself again, I was sleeping at night again, I was able to start eating better, I had more energy and I was able to go back to work as well. If it hadn’t have been for my amazing midwife I genuinely don’t know what kind of mess I would right now so I will be forever grateful for her. 

A bit like my first trimester my second trimester was definitely packed full of up’s and down’s let’s be honest my whole pregnancy has been like that but some of the really exciting stuff started to happen as well. We had our booking scan at 13 weeks!!Neither of us could believe how much baby had changed since our scan at 7 weeks they were so big and growing away nicely what more can you ask for eh. After the scan came the fun part of getting to share our news with everyone and it was just so amazing telling her family and friends and seeing how excited everyone was and the relief of not having to hide it anymore as well lol. We decided at the start of our pregnancy that we wanted to find out the gender of the baby as well as we are too damn impatient to wait 9 months plus I like to be organized so I wanted to know if we were buying pink or blue, we actually once again booked in for an early scan at a private clinic called Window to the womb and found out at 17 weeks. I was convinced baby was a girl but Alan was adamant baby was a boy and well it turns out for once Alan was right and baby is in fact a BOY!!! We both could not be happier at having another little boy but in all honesty we didn’t really care what they were as long as they are happy and healthy that is all that matter. We did get the typical questions of “are you not gutted it’s not a girl” or “awww I bet you wanted a girl this time” and honestly this just pissed us right off after a while as we were sick of telling people we genuinely didn’t care and we just wanted a healthy baby. Why do people think its ok to say these types of things to couples when they are expecting? 

If pregnancy teaches you anything it’s that EVERYONE has an opinion and they automatically feel they need to share it with you whether you like it or not! And I know most of the time it comes from a good place but sometimes it’s just judging and comes across like they know better and really who has the time of that BS especially when you’re trying to grown a human! If you have managed to make it to the end of this post then thank you for sticking with me I know it was another long one, just one more trimester to go but obviously we are still living that one as I’m currently 32 weeks at the time of this being posted. Once again thank you so much for joining me here, don’t forget to click that follow button to be notified of my next post. Until next time my lovelies, 


Love you all 



