N O A H 0-6 W E E K S

Now that we have settled into life with a newborn thought it was about time I have a little update on life with Noah and how his first few weeks went. 

Noah is a VERY different baby to Cody and we did not have it easy in the first couple of weeks after he was born, Between things being missed by the hospital and getting conflicting information between midwives we really have just had to trust our own instincts and find what works for us. 

Let’s start with the day he was born: it was very obvious to look at him that he had jaundice as he had that little tan about him. I kept saying to Alan that i thought he had jaundice but he passed all his new born checks and we got the all clear to go home so i just left it. On his day 1 check the midwife agreed and said that his levels where low enough to stay at home but we should keep him in  front of the window (closed) so that he could get natural UV light and it should just go away on it’s own. 

By his day 5 checks his jaundice levels had increased slightly, now i will add in on this day it was very grey so there was less UV light coming into the house but the midwife (a different one) was not happy and sent us down to hospital to get him fully checked. As you can imagine with how traumatic my labour was the thought of gong to hospital filled me with dread but we knew it was the best thing for him, so we headed down and watched them do all his checks and even take blood from him. We where sent home and told we would get a call in a few hours to let us know if he needed to go under the little lamp. By good luck he didn’t and the hospital agreed that he was fine and it would go away its self and it has. 

The next thing that was missed and once again i noticed was that he is a little tongue tided, i noticed this within two days when we could not get him to latch for him to breastfeed. It toke the midwife until day 5 to pick this up but by this point we had already changed his bottles to one that are easier for him. 

As you an see by 1 week old little Noah had been through the ringer and at every turn the medical professionals where missing things left right and centre so by this point we’d had enough and decided to trust our own parental instincts and just do what we felt was right for us and Noah. 

Week 2: Noah was starting to struggle with his bottles and was being sick with every bottle. We had been using Aptimil milk as that’s what we used with Cody and never had any issues but like i said no 2 babies are the same and it was just not agreeing with him at all, so we changed him onto Cow & Gate and for the first few days he was like a whole new baby and we thought we had cracked it but we then noticed that he was once again getting an upset stomach with the milk this time it was in the nappy area. So we changed his milk again this time we tried SMA by this point we where running out of options and if the SMA didn’t work we knew we would have to get the health visitor involved, which we really didn’t want t do but we are 5 weeks in and the SMA seems to be the one (thank god). 

Now i know i have said no 2 babies are the same but there is one thing that Noah is taking after his big brother and that’s Colic!! That boy will not part with his wind without it being a massive fight. We had tried everything to help him from changing the way we feed him, hot baths, rubbing him tummy you name it we tried it. The only thing we have found that helps is Dentinox, If you haven’t heard of it its a natural medicine that can be given if and when needed and helps break up the wind and honestly its the only thing that works for him just like his brother. 

All that being said Noah is an absolutely amazing baby and we really are so lucky that both boy’s haven’t given us much trouble in the newborn phase. He is 100% a little milk monster and roughly feed every 3-4 during the day on 5oz bottles and at night we can sometimes get a good 5 hours in between and let’s be honest what parent is going to complain at that ? 

Adjusting to life as a 4 has been really easy I think some of that comes down to there being a 9 year age gap so Cody is so hands on and loves helping with Noah which obviously makes our life’s easier having that extra set of hands. Plus both sets of grandparents are never away and always come with food and ready for cuddles to give us a break. Win win if you ask me.  

Life is definitely different now but we wouldn’t change it for the world. 
